the library

Welcome in it’s so good to see you!

I wanted to create a place away from the noise of social media and the constant barage of adrenaline inducing ads and headlines.

A place where you can have your own question or topic addressed at a fraction of the price of a full session.

Where you can check out courses, videos, tools, and guided meditations at a leisurely pace.

For $35 a month, your library card gives you full access to everything on the shelves.

This includes requests for specific topics, tools, & videos made just for you!

You can cancel or renew at any time.

And unlike your local library, there are no return dates.

And you can wear your bathrobe and eat snacks.

Library Card
Every month

Get access to The Narcissist & The Empath Course, videos, guided meditations, and all new additions! You can cancel or renew at any time!

✓ Access to Extended Course!
✓ Access to All Videos!
✓ Immediate Access to Upcoming Additions!
✓ Cancel or Renew at Any Time!
Just Looking
Every month

Get access to all videos and your personally requested topics for just $10 a month! *This membership does not include access to The Narcissist & The Empath Course*

✓ Access to All Videos!
✓ Access to New Topics Added Regularly!
✓ Cancel and Upgrade at Any Time!

After purchasing your membership, you can come back to this page and access your content through the links below!

Free offerings and previews below!


Free Access!

Meditations & Visualizations

The Narcissist & The Empath Course

Suggestion Box

Have a topic you’d like covered? Searching for a different perspective? Interested in diving deeper?

Let’s add it to the library!

Please make sure you have a membership of at least $10 a month to access your video!

I can’t wait to hear from you!