let’s get acquainted shall we?
Originally Published August 2017
I'm so excited you're here! Allow me to introduce myself-
We'll start off professionally...
I've been practicing massage and energy work for 10 years, and I began attending and assistant teaching LomiLomi retreats and workshops about a year into my career, and have been lucky enough to practice from the coast of North Carolina to Tahoe City, California. My career has taken me from Kauai to Belize and back again, all the while admittedly never being, shall I say, financially savvy. Instead, I relied on guidance and divinely guided opportunities which I would've never seen possible. I regained an assuredeness and faith in our angelic guidance that had diminished since my wise childhood self, who somehow knew exactly who she was and what her purpose entailed. We can try to mute certain colors and tones in ourselves, but we can never quite shake the true individual vibrations ringing inside each of us.
I don't recall a time in particular that I realized I was constantly communicating with the spirit world, I can't really remember it not being this way. (As I've found is common for a lot people!) It was more so realizing that this wasn't everyone's normal day to day life, and then I began wondering what people would think of me if I was completely myself. I tried to push it down for years, especially as a teenager, I ran from it hard in the opposite direction. (I'll write later about different substances I used to push down spiritual messages.) My family always kept smiling angel figurines on their window sills and would say, "That's our little Rebecca. :)"
At 16 who wants to be known as a little angel?
Nobody yall!
No my first name ain’t baby. It’s Janet.
Miss Jackson if ya nasty.
Didn't really sell.
My eyes squint like an 80yr old grandma when I smile so let's face it, I'm just not cut out for the bad bitch life in that sense.
As I began to step more into myself throughout the years I tried to find my circle in the new age world, which ironically began taking me further away from trusting myself and more toward trying to become someone else.
Someone deserving of spiritual connection.
I never took classes for channeling or was taught what I was doing with energy healing which made me feel egotistical and ashamed in my early 20's whenever asked about my credentials by instructors twice and three times my age. I didn't particularly love yoga and participating in groups in general makes my hands clammy. In fact I ended up pissing people off left and right the more I did my own thing, which was unfortunate cause I'm a recovering people pleaser big time.
I received more back handed compliments and harsh comments from teachers, psychics, elders, shamans, and gurus than I would care to recall, (I was once cussed out in public and left feeling even more confused when the man ended his verbal attack with a smile and a "Namaste sister." but ya know what, that's exactly what I needed. I realized just as I wasn't allowed to ask questions in the religion I grew up in, I was being attacked for doing the same in these spiritual communities. I stopped looking for recognition from proclaimed spiritual masters, and started looking for it from myself. I basically got fed up with the hypocrisy and false prophesies and said "I've known I know what's true and what's false my entire life...either I quit actin dumb and incapable, or I'm gonna need anger management classes." So this is what I'm here to do; knees knocking, sweaty palms 'n all. Sometimes what we know in our hearts to be true, may remove the masks from the people we once craved acceptance from the most; but life ain't worth livin if we can't sing our true heart songs.
Am I right y’all?
So long as we are standing in our true joy, we will naturally be in service to one another. So stay tuned as I share messages and try not to throw up on myself while stepping into my purpose!